Timber Stables
Abbeylawn Timber Stables
Abbeylawn supply and fit probably the strongest and best timber stables in Ireland . For full details please ring us on 0402 34703 or call to our yard and see a selection of stables being used in our yard .
At Abbeylawn Timber Stables we have the advantage over other stable companies in that we have horses ourselves and are always trying to find ways to improve .
Timber Stables for Sale
Abbeylawn Timber Stables is manufacturing Timber Stables for sale for the last 15 years. And has stables fitted in some of the top racing and sports horse yards in the country
We pride ourselves on being able to make buildings to our customers designs. All our stables are manufactured using only top quality timber and are designed to last.
We have different types of Timber stables in our own yard that horses are in all year round.And you are welcome to call and see these for your self .
Some of our Timber stables in our own yard are 13 years old now. And have been in use all the time and are still as good as the day they were fitted.
This is a chance to see what you want and know what you are getting and the quality

All Apex Roof stables have proper Trusses in the roof at no more than 3′ apart. And come with 30″ overhang on the roof over the doors. There is no real difference from the slope type roof stable inside .The only difference is the look of the roof .

This is the standard Slope type roof which is the best value for money with prices from €2000.00 per stable, and is the best quality Timber Stable for sale and also one of the cheapest. It has a 3′ 6″ over hang on the front which helps to keep the rain off you when you are feeding,And also off the horses when they are looking out.

Abbeylawn supply and fit probably the strongest and best timber stables for sale in Ireland . For full details please ring us on 0402 34703 or call to our yard and see a selection of stables being used in our yard .
At Abbeylawn Timber Stables we have the advantage over other stable companies in that we have horses ourselves and are always trying to find ways to improve .
For more information on our timber stables for sale ,Please ring us on 0402 34703
Timber Horse Stables for sale
A Roof Horse Stables for sale
This is an Apex roof horse stable fitted with a slate roof .
Timber stables fitted for Customer with natural slate roof and a 6′ over hang on the roof and supported by 8″ timber posts .This makes a very strong horse stable .
We can make any block of stables to suit your needs , Abbeylawn Stables make the strongest timber stable in the Irish market as we do not cut corners with light timber .

3 Stables
3 12×12 Stables
Abbeylawn Timber Stables is manufacturing Timber Stables for the last 15 years.And has stables fitted in some of the top racing and sports horse yards in the country.We even have stables fitted on the race Track in Mijas in Spain
We pride ourselves in being able to make buildings to our customers designs
All our stables are manufactured using only top quality timber and is designed to last

Why not call and visit our yard
We have different types of stables in our own yard that horses are in all year round
Some of our stables are 13 years old now and have been in use all the time and are still as good as the day they were fitted
This is a chance to see what you want and know what you are getting and the quality

3 12×12 Corner Stables with feed store 18×12
3 12×12 Stables with 18×12 Corner Feed Store
Stables can be made in most designs to suit the area that you have
The corner stables are a great way of providing shelter in a windy area

Inside Stable
This picture shows the inside of our stables
- The OSB board on the walls is 19mm thick and is lined to the top of the walls all around
- The timber in the walls are all fitted at 18″ centres for extra strength
- The wall of the stable is kept up of the ground out of the wet on a concrete block on top of the base
- The roof of the stable is box profile and has a layer of Tyvek ( a breathable membrane ) under to stop condensation

4 12×12 A Roof Stables
All A-Roof stables have proper Trusses in the roof at no more than 3′ apart and come with
30″ overhang over the doors There is no real difference from the slope type roof stable inside
The Picture here shows the Truss roof in our A roof stables.Made like the roof in any house and spaced at 30″ centres for extra strength . The truss is supported on the front and back wall plate and will not allow the walls to spread like in the cheaper stables made by other companies.
This Stable has a Clock Tower fitted .
We can do most thing that people want done to buildings for to blend into an area

The Stables are a light green pressure treated colour when we fit the stables ,But can be paint any colour that you want at a later stage

Stable Door
Timber stable doors are made to fit the size openings that you need. Our stable doors are the strongest door on the market and are 3″ thick. The front of the door has 4×1″ TGV timber sheeting on a full 3×1.5″ frame with 6×1″ boards on the inside. There is a metal chew strip on the door to stop horses eating the top of the door. We can also fit Antiweave bars on the bottom door and still close the top door. We also make just bottom doors for internal stables
We can supply timber doors and frame including hinges and bolts for €250.00
We can Also Supply and fit if Required
All doors come in pressure treated green colour

Spain Stables
Stables fitted on the race track near Malaga in Spain